
Jinja 4th Div League 2023/2024

WO=Walk Overs, FT= Full Time Games, T=Total Games, Cu.T=Cumulative, G=Goals Scored, GS=Goal Scorers

Matchday Date WO FT T Cu.T G GS
1 Matchday 1 2023-12-16 0 4 4 4 11 0(11)
2 Matchday 2 2023-12-21 0 2 2 6 6 0(6)
3 Matchday 2 2023-12-22 0 2 2 8 5 0(5)
4 Matchday 2 2023-12-23 0 1 1 9 7 0(7)
5 Matchday 1 2023-12-27 0 1 1 10 3 0(3)
6 Matchday 3 2023-12-29 0 3 3 13 5 0(5)
7 Matchday 3 2023-12-31 0 2 2 15 4 0(4)
8 Matchday 4 2024-01-05 0 2 2 17 5 0(5)
9 Matchday 4 2024-01-07 0 2 2 19 5 0(5)
10 Matchday 4 2024-01-09 0 3 3 22 11 0(11)
11 Matchday 5 2024-01-12 0 3 3 25 6 0(6)
12 Matchday 5 2024-01-13 0 3 3 28 11 0(11)
13 Matchday 6 2024-01-18 0 3 3 31 11 0(11)
14 Matchday 6 2024-01-19 0 3 3 34 7 0(7)
15 Matchday 7 2024-01-21 0 1 1 35 5 0(5)
16 Matchday 7 2024-01-24 0 3 3 38 3 0(3)
17 Matchday 7 2024-01-25 1 2 3 41 7 0(7)
18 Matchday 8 2024-01-29 1 2 3 44 8 0(8)
19 Matchday 8 2024-01-31 0 3 3 47 5 0(5)
20 Matchday 9 2024-02-05 0 3 3 50 8 0(8)
21 Matchday 9 2024-02-08 0 3 3 53 6 0(6)
22 Matchday 10 2024-02-14 0 3 3 56 7 0(7)
23 Matchday 10 2024-02-15 0 3 3 59 7 0(7)
24 Matchday 11 2024-02-19 0 1 1 60 3 0(3)
25 Matchday 11 2024-02-22 0 3 3 63 10 0(10)
26 Matchday 11 2024-02-23 0 2 2 65 3 0(3)
27 Matchday 11 2024-02-25 0 1 1 66 2 0(2)
28 Matchday 12 2024-03-22 0 3 3 69 7 0(7)
29 Matchday 12 2024-03-23 1 2 3 72 11 0(11)
30 Matchday 13 2024-03-30 0 3 3 75 5 0(5)
31 Matchday 13 2024-03-31 0 3 3 78 10 0(10)
32 Matchday 14 2024-04-03 0 3 3 81 7 0(7)
33 Matchday 14 2024-04-04 0 3 3 84 13 0(13)
34 Matchday 15 2024-04-12 0 3 3 87 7 0(7)
35 Matchday 15 2024-04-13 0 3 3 90 2 0(2)
36 Matchday 16 2024-04-19 0 3 3 93 7 0(7)
37 Matchday 16 2024-04-20 0 2 2 95 5 0(5)
38 Matchday 17 2024-04-27 0 3 3 98 7 0(7)
39 Matchday 17 2024-04-29 0 3 3 101 5 0(5)
40 Matchday 18 2024-05-04 0 3 3 104 12 0(12)
41 Matchday 18 2024-05-05 0 3 3 107 9 0(9)
42 Matchday 19 2024-05-12 0 3 3 110 7 0(7)
43 Matchday 19 2024-05-13 0 3 3 113 5 0(5)
44 Matchday 20 2024-05-17 0 3 3 116 9 0(9)
45 Matchday 20 2024-05-18 0 3 3 119 11 0(11)
46 Matchday 21 2024-05-22 0 3 3 122 9 0(9)
47 Matchday 21 2024-05-23 0 3 3 125 8 0(8)
48 Matchday 22 2024-05-29 0 3 3 128 11 0(11)
49 Matchday 22 2024-05-30 0 3 3 131 12 0(12)
50 2024-07-19 0 1 1 132 5 0(5)
Total 3 129 132 355 0 (355)

Jinja 4th Div League 2023/2024

In Which period of the game are the most goals scored?

Period Goals %
First Half 0 0%
Second Half 0 0%
Total 0 0%

Subject to data availability
Excludes own goals

Jinja 4th Div League 2023/2024

What percentage of their goals did teams score in various periods

# Team GP First Half % Second Half % Total
0. Total 0 0 0

Subject to data availability
Excludes own goals

Jinja 4th Div League 2023/2024



Team Clean Sheets
1 Blaq Fuego FC 10
2 Keni FC 8
2 Kirinya Pearl FC 8
3 Lukolo Unique FC 7
3 Lwanda FC 7
3 Victorious FC 7
4 Bugembe U FC 6
4 Good News FC 6
5 Central Tiger FC 5
5 Damz Pitstop FC 5
5 Rubaga Youth FC 5
6 Mutai FC 3

Jinja 4th Div League 2023/2024



Player Team Clean Sheets

Jinja 4th Div League 2023/2024



Player Team #

Jinja 4th Div League 2023/2024

Top 10 Earliest Goals


# Date Player Name Player Team Against Team

*Own goals excluded.

Jinja 4th Div League 2023/2024

Goals Scored*
*Subject to data availability

Date Teams Players Goals T.Goals

Jinja 4th Div League 2023/2024

Goal Scorers Per Team*
*Subject to data availability

S=Scorers, G=Goals, G/S=Goals Per Scorer

Team S G G/S

Jinja 4th Div League 2023/2024

Top Scorers Per Team

# Team Player Goals

Jinja 4th Div League 2023/2024

Home Wins

HGP=Home Games Played, HW=Home Wins, etc

# Home Team HGP HW HW% HF HA HGD
1. Blaq Fuego FC 11 9 81.8% 23 4 19
2. Lwanda FC 11 9 81.8% 17 4 13
3. Kirinya Pearl FC 11 8 72.7% 20 4 16
4. Keni FC 11 8 72.7% 17 3 14
5. Damz Pitstop FC 11 6 54.5% 22 6 16
6. Central Tiger FC 11 6 54.5% 15 4 11
7. Lukolo Unique FC 11 6 54.5% 11 2 9
8. Good News FC 11 5 45.5% 13 3 10
9. Rubaga Youth FC 11 5 45.5% 9 1 8
10. Victorious FC 11 5 45.5% 9 2 7
11. Bugembe U FC 11 4 36.4% 9 2 7
12. Mutai FC 11 1 9.1% 3 0 3

Jinja 4th Div League 2023/2024

Away Wins

AGP=Away Games Played, AW=Away Wins, etc

# Away Team AGP AW AW% AF AA AGD
1. Blaq Fuego FC 11 7 63.6% 16 3 13
2. Kirinya Pearl FC 11 6 54.5% 15 3 12
3. Victorious FC 11 4 36.4% 6 0 6
4. Bugembe U FC 11 3 27.3% 6 0 6
5. Damz Pitstop FC 11 3 27.3% 8 3 5
6. Good News FC 11 2 18.2% 8 0 8
7. Lwanda FC 11 2 18.2% 7 2 5
8. Central Tiger FC 11 2 18.2% 5 0 5
9. Rubaga Youth FC 11 2 18.2% 6 2 4
10. Keni FC 11 2 18.2% 4 0 4
11. Lukolo Unique FC 11 2 18.2% 4 0 4
12. Mutai FC 11 1 9.1% 6 0 6

Jinja 4th Div League 2023/2024


Record Games
Most Goals In A Game (8 Goals)
Damz Pitstop FC 8 - 0


Rubaga Youth FC
Biggest Defeat (8 Goals Margin)
Damz Pitstop FC 8 - 0


Rubaga Youth FC
Highest Score (8 Goals)
Damz Pitstop FC 8 - 0


Rubaga Youth FC

Jinja 4th Div League 2023/2024

Fixture Stats

22 Games per team
# Team Dates Games G/Day
1. Mutai FC 22 22 1
2. Central Tiger FC 22 22 1
3. Victorious FC 22 22 1
4. Keni FC 22 22 1
5. Damz Pitstop FC 22 22 1
6. Lwanda FC 22 22 1
7. Lukolo Unique FC 22 22 1
8. Bugembe U FC 22 22 1
9. Blaq Fuego FC 22 22 1
10. Good News FC 23 23 1
11. Kirinya Pearl FC 22 22 1
12. Rubaga Youth FC 23 23 1

Jinja 4th Div League 2023/2024


# Team Home Ground Games
1. Blaq Fuego FC MM College Wairaka PG 22
2. Bugembe U FC Kyabazinga Stadium 22
3. Central Tiger FC Main Street PS PG 22
4. Damz Pitstop FC Dam Waters PG 22
5. Good News FC Kyabazinga Stadium 24
6. Keni FC Buwenda PG 22
7. Kirinya Pearl FC Kirinya M Prison PG 22
8. Lukolo Unique FC Lukolo PS PG 22
9. Lwanda FC Lwanda PS PG 22
10. Mutai FC Mutai PS PG 22
11. Rubaga Youth FC Police Baracks PG 22
12. Victorious FC MM College Wairaka PG 22

Jinja 4th Div League 2023/2024

Matchday Fixture Stats

6 Games per matchday
# Matchday Dates CDat Games CGam G/MD
1. Matchday 1 2 2 5 5 2.5
2. Matchday 2 3 5 5 10 1.7
3. Matchday 3 2 7 5 15 2.5
4. Matchday 4 3 10 7 22 2.3
5. Matchday 5 2 12 6 28 3
6. Matchday 6 2 14 6 34 3
7. Matchday 7 3 17 7 41 2.3
8. Matchday 8 2 19 6 47 3
9. Matchday 9 2 21 6 53 3
10. Matchday 10 2 23 6 59 3
11. Matchday 11 4 27 7 66 1.8
12. Matchday 12 2 29 6 72 3
13. Matchday 13 2 31 6 78 3
14. Matchday 14 2 33 6 84 3
15. Matchday 15 2 35 6 90 3
16. Matchday 16 2 37 6 96 3
17. Matchday 17 2 39 6 102 3
18. Matchday 18 2 41 6 108 3
19. Matchday 19 2 43 6 114 3
20. Matchday 20 2 45 6 120 3
21. Matchday 21 2 47 6 126 3
22. Matchday 22 2 49 6 132 3

Jinja 4th Div League 2023/2024

Head To Head Fixture Stats

# TeamBlaq Fuego FCBugembe U FCCentral Tiger FCDamz Pitstop FCGood News FCKeni FCKirinya Pearl FCLukolo Unique FCLwanda FCMutai FCRubaga Youth FCVictorious FC
1. Blaq Fuego FC _ 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2
2. Bugembe U FC 2 _ 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2
3. Central Tiger FC 2 2 _ 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2
4. Damz Pitstop FC 2 2 2 _ 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2
5. Good News FC 2 2 2 2 _ 2 2 2 2 2 3 2
6. Keni FC 2 2 2 2 2 _ 2 2 2 2 2 2
7. Kirinya Pearl FC 2 2 2 2 2 2 _ 2 2 2 2 2
8. Lukolo Unique FC 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 _ 2 2 2 2
9. Lwanda FC 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 _ 2 2 2
10. Mutai FC 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 _ 2 2
11. Rubaga Youth FC 2 2 2 2 3 2 2 2 2 2 _ 2
12. Victorious FC 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 _

Jinja 4th Div League 2023/2024



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