
Sportrise Ibanda 5th Division 2021/2022

WO=Walk Overs, FT= Full Time Games, T=Total Games, Cu.T=Cumulative, G=Goals Scored, GS=Goal Scorers

Matchday Date WO FT T Cu.T G GS
1 2022-03-05 0 10 10 10 17 0(17)
2 2022-03-06 0 10 10 20 17 0(17)
3 2022-03-13 0 1 1 21 1 0(1)
Total 0 21 21 35 0 (35)

Sportrise Ibanda 5th Division 2021/2022

In Which period of the game are the most goals scored?

Period Goals %
First Half 0 0%
Second Half 0 0%
Total 0 0%

Subject to data availability
Excludes own goals

Sportrise Ibanda 5th Division 2021/2022

What percentage of their goals did teams score in various periods

# Team GP First Half % Second Half % Total
0. Total 0 0 0

Subject to data availability
Excludes own goals

Sportrise Ibanda 5th Division 2021/2022



Team Clean Sheets
1 Ibanda United 4
1 Rushango Dynamic FC 4
2 Nyakatokye Giants 3
3 Kaaro Young FC 2
3 Kagongo Youths 2
3 Kyeikucu Lions 2
3 Saza Hotspurs 2
4 Kafunjo Dream League 1
4 Kigarama Football Club 1

Sportrise Ibanda 5th Division 2021/2022



Player Team Clean Sheets

Sportrise Ibanda 5th Division 2021/2022



Player Team #

Sportrise Ibanda 5th Division 2021/2022

Top 10 Earliest Goals


# Date Player Name Player Team Against Team

*Own goals excluded.

Sportrise Ibanda 5th Division 2021/2022

Goals Scored*
*Subject to data availability

Date Teams Players Goals T.Goals

Sportrise Ibanda 5th Division 2021/2022

Goal Scorers Per Team*
*Subject to data availability

S=Scorers, G=Goals, G/S=Goals Per Scorer

Team S G G/S

Sportrise Ibanda 5th Division 2021/2022

Top Scorers Per Team

# Team Player Goals

Sportrise Ibanda 5th Division 2021/2022

Home Wins

HGP=Home Games Played, HW=Home Wins, etc

# Home Team HGP HW HW% HF HA HGD
1. Ibanda United 3 3 100% 6 0 6
2. Kagongo Youths 4 3 75% 6 1 5
3. Kafunjo Dream League 2 1 50% 4 1 3
4. Saza Hotspurs 1 1 100% 3 1 2
5. Rushango Dynamic FC 2 1 50% 2 0 2
6. Kyeikucu Lions 2 1 50% 1 0 1

Sportrise Ibanda 5th Division 2021/2022

Away Wins

AGP=Away Games Played, AW=Away Wins, etc

# Away Team AGP AW AW% AF AA AGD
1. Nyakatokye Giants 3 2 66.7% 2 0 2
2. Rushango Dynamic FC 3 2 66.7% 2 0 2
3. Saza Hotspurs 3 1 33.3% 3 0 3
4. Ibanda United 1 1 100% 1 0 1

Sportrise Ibanda 5th Division 2021/2022


Record Games
Most Goals In A Game (5 Goals)
Kafunjo Dream League 4 - 1


Ishongororo Legends
Biggest Defeat (4 Goals Margin)
Ibanda United 4 - 0


Ishongororo Legends
Highest Score (4 Goals)
Kafunjo Dream League 4 - 1


Ishongororo Legends
Ibanda United 4 - 0


Ishongororo Legends

Sportrise Ibanda 5th Division 2021/2022

Group A Fixture Stats

4 Games per team
# Team Dates Games G/Day
1. Kagongo Youths 1 4 4
2. Rushango Dynamic FC 1 4 4
3. Kyeikucu Lions 1 4 4
4. Kigarama Football Club 1 4 4
5. Nyakatokye Giants 1 4 4
6. Saza Hotspurs 1 4 4

Sportrise Ibanda 5th Division 2021/2022

Group A Venues

# Team Home Ground Games
1. Kagongo Youths Kagongo Pitch 1 8
2. Kigarama Football Club Kagongo Pitch 2 2
3. Kyeikucu Lions Kagongo Pitch 2 2
4. Nyakatokye Giants Kagongo Pitch 2 1
5. Rushango Dynamic FC Kagongo Pitch 2 2
6. Saza Hotspurs Kagongo Pitch 1 1

Sportrise Ibanda 5th Division 2021/2022

Group A Matchday Fixture Stats

Games per matchday
# Matchday Dates CDat Games CGam G/MD

Sportrise Ibanda 5th Division 2021/2022

Group A Head To Head Fixture Stats

# TeamKagongo YouthsKigarama Football ClubKyeikucu LionsNyakatokye GiantsSaza Hotspurs
1. Kagongo Youths _ 1 1 1 1
2. Kigarama Football Club 1 _ 1 1 1
3. Kyeikucu Lions 1 1 _ 1 1
4. Nyakatokye Giants 1 1 1 _ 1
5. Saza Hotspurs 1 1 1 1 _

Sportrise Ibanda 5th Division 2021/2022

Group B Fixture Stats

4 Games per team
# Team Dates Games G/Day
1. Ibanda United 1 4 4
2. Kagongo Youths 1 4 4
3. Rushango Dynamic FC 1 4 4
4. Saza Hotspurs 1 4 4
5. Kafunjo Dream League 1 4 4
6. Ishongororo Legends 1 4 4
7. Kaaro Young FC 1 4 4

Sportrise Ibanda 5th Division 2021/2022

Group B Venues

# Team Home Ground Games
1. Ibanda United Kagongo Pitch 1 6
2. Ishongororo Legends Kagongo Pitch 2 1
3. Kaaro Young FC Kagongo Pitch 1 1
4. Kafunjo Dream League Kagongo Pitch 2 4
5. Kagongo Youths Kagongo Pitch 1 4
6. Rushango Dynamic FC Kagongo Pitch 2 2
7. Saza Hotspurs Kagongo Pitch 1 1

Sportrise Ibanda 5th Division 2021/2022

Group B Matchday Fixture Stats

Games per matchday
# Matchday Dates CDat Games CGam G/MD

Sportrise Ibanda 5th Division 2021/2022

Group B Head To Head Fixture Stats

# TeamIbanda UnitedIshongororo LegendsKaaro Young FCKafunjo Dream LeagueRushango Dynamic FC
1. Ibanda United _ 1 1 1 1
2. Ishongororo Legends 1 _ 1 1 1
3. Kaaro Young FC 1 1 _ 1 1
4. Kafunjo Dream League 1 1 1 _ 1
5. Rushango Dynamic FC 1 1 1 1 _

Sportrise Ibanda 5th Division 2021/2022



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